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昆明网站建设2024-09-20 12:20:11【APP开发】7人已围观

简介洲明集团成立于2004年,于2011年在中国证券交易所成功上市股票代码:300232)。 2018年,洲明集团实现销售总额6.77亿美元,同比增长49.29%。Unilumin Group Co.,

洲明集团成立于2004年,上线设计上线于2011年在中国证券交易所成功上市(股票代码:300232)。洲明照明制作 2018年,官方洲明集团实现销售总额6.77亿美元,网站完成同比增长49.29%。由沙


Unilumin Group Co.,漠风 Ltd. (stock code 300232), a world-class LED display and lighting manufacturer and solution provider, aims to provide high quality LED application products. The LED display market share of Unilumin ranks among the top three in the world for consecutive years and ranks the first in China in 2017.


Unilumin has an“Iron Triangle"structure based on Fuyong headquarter, Pingshan and Daya Bay as intelligent manufacturing base. Its overall landscape takes up to 270,000 square meters and equipped with world first-class R&D equipment.The 340,000 square meter, the soon-to-be-built Daya Bay science park will be the largest manufacturing base for LED products in the world.

In 2018, Unilumin Group achieved a total sales turnover of $677 million, which was 49.29 percent growth from the same period last year. So far, its market value has peaked at $1.47 billion.

LED Lighting, LED Outdoor Light, LED Street Light,.jpg


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